Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenges Week 9 (Season of the Splicer)

Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer’s Week 9 Seasonal Challenges arrived on July 6, and in this guide we’ll show you how to complete them all.

Some Season 14 weekly Challenges are more involved than the others. Check out the descriptions below for advice on the fastest way to complete these Seasonal Challenges — particularly Elemental Armaments, Path of the Scribe, and Elemental Splicing in Season 14 — before they expire on Aug. 24.

Elemental Armaments

Challenge: Defeat targets with different types of elemental weapons. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians, and for defeating combatants in override and Expunge.

You’ll need to kill enemies with various elements in this one, which will just take some time playing the game. If you’re doing Solstice of Heroes, where the game encourages you to rotate elements, you should finish this pretty quick. Note that you can choose if you want to do either Stasis or Solar — they count for the same progress bar.

Path of the Scribe

Challenge: Scan the Eliksni Scribe recordings in the Eliksni Quarter of the Last City.

This Challenge is fun but easy to miss. Drop into the Eliksni Quarter via the HELM and explore. Interact with the nine lore objects to complete this Challenge and learn some Eliksni history!

Eliksni Ally 3

Challenge: Increase your Reputation with the Splicer Servitor in the HELM. You need Reputation 30.

This one requires you to earn a lot of Data. Just play Override and Expunge to finish this one, but it’ll take a lot of runs to get up to 30.

Armory-Wide Calibration

Challenge: Calibrate Primary, Special, and Heavy ammo weapons. Bonus progress against Champions.

This is maybe the easiest Challenge of the entire season. All you need to do here is kill enemies with all three types of weapons.

Elemental Splicing

Challenge: Complete Strikes as each elemental subclass. Two Strikes as each.

You’ll need to do six Strikes for this one — note that Solar and Stasis count for the same bar, just like in the earlier Challenge. Just make sure you monitor your subclass and you should complete this one while you’re working on Solstice of Heroes.

Make sure to finish all of these and the rest of the Seasonal Challenges if you want to complete the Master of All Challenge by Aug. 24, which rewards a Large Bright Dust Pile.

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