Lauren Boebert to antifa protesting her: ‘Get a job’

DENVER — Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert has a message for the anarchists and radical leftists aggressively protesting her and a conservative conference: “Get a job.”

“Maybe this is their job. Maybe they’re paid to do it,” Boebert said in an interview with the Washington Examiner on Saturday. “You see this from extreme leftist progressives because either this is their job, either they are paid to do it, or they have nothing better to do, they’re sitting at home collecting a check, and this is their life.”

“I mean, I don’t have time for that,” the Republican lawmaker said. “You don’t see conservatives doing things like this because we have families to take care of, we have jobs to work at, we have communities to grow. And that’s our focus — not to destroy, but to build.”

Her message followed a group of radical leftists who aggressively protested Colorado Christian University Centennial Institute’s Western Conservative Summit in downtown Denver on Friday night. A flyer from the Denver Communists distributed at the event read, “We want to send these worms back into their holes, demoralized and isolated.” At one point, a brawl broke out when an outsider started to film the demonstrators and one man knocked his phone out of his hand.


Boebert, one of the speakers at the summit, was a key target. One demonstrator wore a shirt that read, “Lauren Boebert is a f****** terrorist.” Another woman yelled for Boebert to “run and hide.”

“I feel sorry for her cats,” Boebert said in response to the woman in a tweet.

Later Friday evening, a group of demonstrators had a standoff with about 10 Denver police officers in riot gear, and the protesters yelled, “Boebert’s bitch boys.”

To the freshman Republican congresswoman, “That’s too far.”

“For them to attempt to attack me but to demoralize our police — that’s disgusting,” Boebert said. “That’s not an attack on me. That’s an attack on the men and women who get dressed every day to serve their communities, who sacrifice and risk their lives every day.”

She ripped the Democratic-controlled Colorado state legislature for ending qualified immunity for police officers.

“They don’t know what’s going to happen when they step foot out that door,” Boebert said. “Can you imagine the stress of going into these situations where it’s — especially in this climate, in this environment where our police officers are demonized and vilified? And now, they’re personally liable for their job.”

In recent days, Boebert has also been attacked for voting against a bill to give U.S. Capitol Police officers who were injured in Jan. 6 gold medals, with some saying that it showed disrespect for the police officers. Uniformed Capitol Police officers showed up at her congressional office to demand an explanation, she said.

She added that she voted against the bill because Democrats added a reference to Officer Billy Evans, who was killed on April 2 after being rammed by a car, which had nothing to do with Jan. 6.

“Make something else for him,” Boebert said. “Why are we drumming this up more and more? And that’s all they want. I mean, if you turn on CNN, all you see is Jan. 6. You don’t see what’s happening in Portland. You don’t see what’s happening in Seattle.”


Despite being the target of protesters in her home state and nationwide as a conservative firebrand, Boebert is not intimidated, having had a lot of experience with pushback to her unapologetically pro-gun Shooter’s Grill restaurant and her congressional run.

“I sleep really well at night. I know what I signed up for,” Boebert said.

Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: News, Lauren Boebert, Colorado, Antifa, Congress, Protests

Original Author: Emily Brooks

Original Location: Lauren Boebert to antifa protesting her: ‘Get a job’

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